• Nanded, Maharashtra India.
  • +91-8888896710 / +91-9422174697 / +91-9404329608
(22 Review)


(Liquid multi micronutrient mixture)

PHYTOTONE is mixture of essential elements - micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum. It provides balanced nutrition to the plants through foliar spray and takes care of hidden hunger which can not be easily seen through symptoms on the crops. It helps in making available NPK to the plants which otherwise is not fully available. Use of PHYTOTONE Increases the yield as well as improves the quality of the yields etc. In many cases its use is found to take care of the damange likely to be caused by many insects, pests and diseases due to development of resistance in the plants.

PHYTOTONE can be used as foliar application in areas where soil is alkaline, acidic. It is recommeded for use on SUGARCANE, COTTON,GRAPES, CHILLIES, BANANA, PAPAYA, TURMERIC, GROUNDNUT, CITRUS, RICE, VEGETABLE, TOBACCO & NURSERY PLANTS.

PHYTOTONE is to be sprayed at rate of 500 to 750mls. in 100 litres of water.

First spray 3-4 weeks after germination to be followed by second application, 30 days later at the same dose.

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